Top tips for spring cleaning and decorating

General Storage | 02.04.16

Spring is finally here and it’s time to get the house in order. If you’re planning a deep clean or are thinking of redecorating, this guide will help you avoid some of the common pitfalls and will make your efforts more successful.

1. Top down
Start at the top of the house and work your way downwards and outside to avoid having to clean finished areas a second time. Work on one room at a time and finish each before moving on to the next. Once you see one room looking clean and sparkly you will feel more enthusiastic about starting work on the next area.

2. Shift and cover furniture
It’s much easier to clean and decorate if everything movable is shifted from one room to another before you get going. That way, even hard-to-reach areas such as skirting boards and under beds can be cleaned easily. If you’re decorating, cover anything you cannot move with old cotton or plastic sheets to prevent damage. It may be easier to place non-essential items in short term storage if space is tight. If you’re not able to easily store furniture and other items in another room while you work, putting them in a storage facility will allow you to move around easily and will reduce trip hazards.

3. Pack fragile items carefully
Items such as crockery, ornaments and picture frames should be wrapped in tissue paper where appropriate. Don’t overfill boxes and make sure any gaps are plugged to prevent breakages and scratches. Mark your boxes with the word fragile so that anyone handling them knows they should be treated with care. It is well worth considering short term storage for items such as these so that you have peace of mind while you work.

4. Multitask
Some jobs can be undertaken simultaneously. For example, you could wash curtains and cushion covers while you are cleaning or decorating, ensuring that they are clean and dry by the time you’re done. Or you could shop for new furnishings while paint dries.

5. Protect yourself
If you’re working with chemicals, you will need to use the right equipment. Simple items such as heavy-duty rubber gloves and dust masks can make a big difference to your skin, nails, hair and respiratory system. Goggles are essential for protecting your eyes.

6. Repair broken items
While you’re cleaning, you may notice that paint is chipped, appliances need new batteries or furniture requires a bit of TLC. This is the perfect time to sort out these niggly jobs so that your rooms are complete when you re-dress the room. If you’re not able to fix items yourself, get some outside help.

7. Do things in order
Do the dusting before you hoover and change bed linen, and mop at the very end, leaving windows open to air the rooms and dry any dampness. If you’re decorating, start with ceilings, then progress to the walls and do the floors last.

8. Keep small parts together
If you’ve taken anything apart, make sure you keep screws, bolts, handles and other small items together in a labelled bag. Where possible, store these parts in or close to the piece of furniture they came from. If you are using short term storage, keep a list of these items and where they are so you can put them back together quickly and easily when you bring them back.

9. Protect carpets and walkways
If you are enlisting outside help, you may find that dirt is trampled through the house while the work is taking place. Cover carpets and provide mats so that workers can wipe their feet each time they enter the property. Remove any obstacles and ensure there are no breakable items in these areas. Clean these areas right at the end when all the other rooms are complete.

10. Don’t forget the outside
The inside of your home is now in tip-top condition, but what about the exterior? Now could be a great time to give the outside of your home a lick of paint or to tidy up the garden or driveway. You might even want to think about landscaping or starting up a vegetable patch. Bear in mind that if you go for something complicated it may require a lot of time to maintain.

Short term storage options

If you have items to store while you freshen up your home and you’re based in North Bristol or Gloucestershire, Space Centre Self Storage can help. We can offer vast spaces as well as small secure units, ensuring that your goods are safe and temperature-controlled while you clean and decorate. If you would like to know more about our short-term storage options, give us a call today.

Image Copyright: feverpitched / 123RF Stock Photo

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