DIY Removals – Choosing the right van

General Storage | 14.01.13

If you’re moving home and want to avoid the added expense of calling in a removal company, why not consider the DIY approach. It might not be for the faint-hearted, but if you haven’t got too much furniture or a mountain of boxes, and you make the correct decisions about choosing the right van, then it can be ideal. You can hire a van, ask your friends to give you a hand, load up and away you go, hopefully saving yourself some money along the way.

Once you’ve chosen the DIY option and have rounded up enough support to ensure a smooth move, the most important aspect of the actual move, is to hire the right van from the right rental company at the right price. Choosing the right van to move home is key to achieving the perfect day.

I’m sure we’ve all heard of one or two genuine sob stories about vans not being available on the day or breaking down between houses with everyone and everything on board. It would be the nightmare scenario. Still, you can put in place a number of plans to avoid such an occurrence. Here are a few tips to help when it comes to choosing the right van.

1. Shop around
Shop around for the best quote and make sure the company hires out modern, well maintained vehicles. You can get a ball park figure on line, but to ensure there are no added extras, call or drop in to speak with a company representative.

2. Check what’s included
Check what’s included in the price. Does your hire include unlimited mileage, fuel and insurance? Check the excess policy, just in case you damage the vehicle. Also, you might want them to drop off and pick up. Give them a call to run through the small print. Remember, it’s no use complaining after the event.

3. Rent the right sized van.
Choosing the right van is critical to success. If you hire one that’s too small, you’ll end up making multiple trips. If you opt for size and the larger van turns out to be too big, you will spend far more on the actual hire and fuel used.

4. Consider the day you’re hiring
Often, hiring a van on a week day is cheaper than at the weekend. However, remember that some companies regard Thursday and Friday as the weekend.

5. Be safe
Safety wise, make sure you are capable of driving it. The larger vans are very different to driving a car.

6. Check the van
Check the vehicle for damage when you pick it up and see how much fuel is in the tank.

7. Keep evidence
Take photos if you are concerned about any areas of damage on the vehicle in case of any dispute after you return it.

Here at Space Centre Self Storage we can help you make the right choice. We will point you in the right direction and hopefully ensure that you are not left high and dry on the big day

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