How to use self storage in retirement

Customer Information | 06.12.13

When people close in on retirement, there is a tendency to ask questions.

One of the most common questions a couple will ask, is whether or not to stay put or seek a new abode, maybe a smaller home. After all, with the kids having flown the nest, do you actually need a big home with empty rooms? Of course the answer to those questions will vary between couples. However, many will consider moving to a smaller home which is not only more manageable, but easier to heat during the long winter months.

If downsizing is a viable option, the next move involves finding a suitable property, at the right price and in the right location. In a buyer’s market, your search will be met with a variety of options. However, when it comes to the practicalities of the move, many couples will have genuine concerns about cutting down on space. Where will those antiques and valuables go, where will I store the spare bed and wardrobe that I don’t want to throw out? Also, if you move to a property without a garage, you will need to consider where you will store the lawnmower, your garden tools and in winter, your valuable garden furniture.

The answer lies at your local self storage centre. A secure, self storage unit will provide the space to store your valuables and belongings and will allow you to keep secure those sentimental items that have no place in your new home, but will forever be a part of your life. You can revisit them at any time and if necessary, at a later date, you could sell them at auction or on ebay. Alternatively, you might have highlighted one or two items that, down the line, you want to hand down to family members. If you have taken care when packing and have stored them safely, there should be no issues over damage or breakage. It all makes perfect sense.

Co director, Lucinda Dangerfield of Space Centre self storage said; “We have all moved home, many of us have downsized too. However, we are seeing many more people close to retirement coming to us to discuss the possibility of using our storage units to keep safe some of their most valuable and sentimental possessions which they simply don’t have room for anymore.”

“This happens, particularly, when a couple decide to downsize in retirement. When they move, they quickly realise that some of their treasured items, like sideboards, bookcases, sofas and wardrobes, look out of place in a smaller home.”

“Here at Space Centre Self Storage, we can provide units of all sizes to meet your requirements. There are no long term contracts and no hidden costs. Just tell us what size of unit you are looking for and over what period of time. You will have the only key to the unit and can come and go when you please.”

If you are approaching retirement or have any thoughts about what you might want to store in a self storage unit, let us know.

Have you retired and downsized? If so and you have any handy hints to pass on, share them in the comments box below.

Not sure how much space you will need?

If you would like to talk to a member of staff about your requirements contact your local branch.

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