Top tips for spring cleaning your home

Customer Information | 07.04.14

Winter has finally given way to an improved spell of weather and the clocks have gone forward. Spring has finally arrived and not only are we able to shed one layer of clothing, at least, but we can relax in the knowledge that the worst of the weather is behind us.

Many people will bring in the new season by tidying up the garden. Dust down the lawnmower, give the grass its first cut and after jet-washing the patio you might have enough energy left to dig the borders. You could even turn over the vegetable patch in preparation for a spot of planting.

Inside the home, it’s time to clean the house, from top to bottom. Make sure you are properly prepared and organised when it comes to this year’s spring cleaning. There is little point in playing at your annual spring cleaning, that will achieve nothing. It might even create greater confusion around the home.

If you have forgotten how to go about your spring cleaning or if you are a new house-owner and have never had to contemplate a seasonal tidy up, here are a few tips.


One room at a time
Organisation is nine tenths of the law when it comes to spring cleaning your home. If you move, randomly, between rooms, starting one before your finish another, you will soon lose heart. Plan your spring clean by listing which room is first, second and so on.

Freshen up your curtains
Whether or not you have a smoker in the house, your curtains will need a clean, at least once a year. Throughout the winter months you have been closing and opening them and the dirt from your hands will have taken its toll. Give your drapes a wash and iron and your rooms will look brighter and sharper.

Clean your carpets
Throughout the autumn and winter months you will have inadvertently brought dirt, grass and dust into the house. It’s unavoidable. If you have a cat or dog, they too will have carried muck indoors. You should look at getting your carpets cleaned, either professionally or by hiring a carpet cleaner.

Revamp your wardrobe
If you have some spare cash, why not pack away your winter coats and trousers and treat yourself to a few new clothes to brighten up your wardrobe. You will feel better about yourself once it’s done.

Rid yourself of any unwanted goods by taking a visit to the local refuse centre. However, it’s always sensible to identify those items that are surplus to requirements now, but you might need in the long term. Why not and contact your local storage centre to see how much a small rental unit would cost?

You might want to Ebay some of those belongings that have no place in your home after a spell of de-cluttering. A small unit will allow you to come and go and collect the items for posting, if and when you sell them.

Lucinda Dangerfield, co owner of Space Centre Self Storage, based in the North Bristol and Gloucestershire area of south west England said; “After a spot of de-cluttering, people want somewhere to store those goods they might not want now, but will in the future. A unit is also ideal for storing goods that you might want to put on Ebay. You have the only key and can come and go when you please.”

Clean your windows
Now the sun is out, your windows will start to show up the mess left by the  winter elements. On top of that, you might have young children who have not only been climbing the walls over the wet, cold and windy months, but who have rubbed their hands up and down your windows when bored and frustrated by not being able to go out. Give them a good clean – inside and out.

Are you bracing yourself for your spring clean? If you have any other ideas or tips for spring cleaning let us know by posting a comment below.

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