9 Top Tips for choosing a self-storage facility

Self Storage | 27.01.14

It’s time to de clutter. The house is brimming over with your belongings, antiques and artefacts and there is simply nowhere else to put the next box. The only smart thing to do is to rent a self-storage facility and rediscover the spare rooms that you have used as hoarding centres.

Once you’ve decided to go down the road of self-storage, it’s time to consider which local self-storage facility is best for you. You need to find a self-storage unit that will keep your belongings in good condition and provide enough security to safeguard them from theft.

From shelving systems to security measures, these are the criteria you self-storage unit needs to meet.

1. Proximity is important. Just because you’re storing these items doesn’t mean you don’t need to have decent access to them. Find a place within a five-mile radius if you can.

2. Security is a key factor when choosing a self-storage facility. There’s nothing worse than getting your valuables stolen or destroyed by fire due to lax security and safety. Make sure your chosen storage-storage facility has individual alarms and video surveillance. Lots of facilities will also have onsite guards. You might want to undertake a personal inspection of the place to see the security features in person before you confirm your rental contract.

3. Access. Do you want to be able to drive right up to the door of the unit or is it okay to dolly and carry items into a multilevel storage facility? Consider how much access you’ll need. Do you need to get to the facility on a regular basis?

Are there Time and Day Limits to when you can access your items? If there are, will this be a problem for your needs?

4. Climate Control. Remember that exposure to extreme temperatures can damage certain goods like electronics or even packaged foods. Printed documents and books can be damaged if the facility is very damp or not adequately covered from heat exposure.

5. Cleanliness. Check your self-storage facility for cleanliness. How clean are the storage cells? Sanitation levels can reflect how well the facility managers maintain the premises for their clients. If they’re indifferent about dirt, how committed to security and safety might they be?

6. Pest Control. All self-storage facilities should have adequate pest control measures in place. Vermin and termites can eat through even the toughest packaging, leading to unwanted damage and loss. Ask the facility about the kinds of pest control measures that they use.

7. Is Shelving provided. Check it out with the site owners as you might need to store your goods on shelves to ensure ease of identification when it comes to selling on ebay.

8. Budgetary concerns may be a factor; it is, after all, rented space in which you do not live. Shop around for specials. Sometimes you can get a cut-rate for the first month or more.

9. Contract Terms. Always double check the contract terms and the fine print on your lease contract. Make sure you understand your obligations and the facility’s stated responsibilities. What items are allowed? Some facilities will explicitly forbid certain items. These can include perishable foods, animals, and other potentially damaging items, such as flammable materials or toxic substances.

The message is simple. Don’t delay. The free space you create in your home by storing items not in use, is priceless. Find a self-storage site and unit that suits your needs and give yourself some extra space to breathe.

If you are living in the North Bristol or Gloucestershire area and you want to use a self-storage facility, at the right price, why not contact us at Space Centre Self Storage 

We will give you a free quote and help you establish which is the best unit to suit your needs.

Not sure how much space you will need?

If you would like to talk to a member of staff about your requirements contact your local branch.

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