The act of moving house is arguably one of the biggest moments in your life. Along with marriage and having children, it’s right up there in terms of its importance.Many of us will move to a bigger home. A new addition to the family, the need for extra space or just the desire to have a bigger place to enjoy.
Whatever your reason, moving house, to a smaller property, is an option that will help you save money. Not only will it cut your everyday living costs but will free up some extra cash to put away for when you finally call it a working day.
3 Big savings when moving house and downsizing
1. A Lower Mortgage
Our mortgage payment is our biggest outlay on a monthly basis. Average mortgage payments are said to amount to about 30 per cent of homeowners’ gross income. Surveys tell us that moving house, to a smaller property, can slash your figures.
2. Heating Costs
The energy savings in electricity and gas for powering fewer and smaller appliances will be noticeable. With fewer square feet and cubic feet to energize, better cashflow is guaranteed.
3. Less Maintenance
In addition to reduced property maintenance, many smaller homes might not have a garden, so why not de-clutter and sell off your garden tools and garden furniture?
If you are moving house and decide to downsize, you will need to address the issue of space. The beds you had in the third and fourth bedrooms in your previous home have nowhere to go. Likewise, the furniture in your dining room might be too big for your new property. Some of those bookcases, sideboards and storage cupboards simply cannot come with you when you are moving house.You have three options when you decide that a belonging, antique or appliance has nowhere to go
1. Dispose of it altogether at your local refuse tip or throw it on the bonfire. Remember, once it’s gone and the excitement of moving house has gone, you might regret such a move.
2. Sell it as second hand and recoup some of the money you spent in the first place.
3. If it has sentimental value or you think you might need it in the future, maybe for your children, you could rent a small self-storage unit at your local self-storage centre.
Self-storage unit
A small damp-free unit would be ideal for your belongings. Not only will they be safe and free of damp, but your goods will be accessible, if needed. You could even use a unit to store seasonal items such as clothes and shoes. Why clutter your new home when you can use a self-storage unit to do the job for you?
Have you recently downsized or are you considering moving house to a smaller property to save on costs? If so let us know your thoughts and experience. What did you do with your excess furniture?
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