Christmas Storage Tips: Preparing Your Home For Visitors

Furniture Storage | 08.12.17

Every year most of us face the same challenges making space for Christmas visitors. Not only is the fridge overwhelmed with goodies, the spare room is filled with junk. You could buy a second fridge or a bigger house but there are easier alternatives. Don’t let Christmas storage be an obstacle this year; be prepared and follow our tips to maximise your existing space.

Kitchen Organisation and Christmas Storage Tips

Christmas usually means more pots, pans, baking trays and roasting dishes so creating additional storage space is essential. Getting your kitchen organised needn’t be mission impossible; a little creative thinking and planning will go a long way.

When it comes to Christmas storage, you need as much preparation space as possible. Clear the surfaces of any additional clutter or add extra workspace by using a kitchen trolley. Look in your cupboards and see what can be moved out in the short term to make space for the more essential items. Consider packing away some of the countertop appliances that are not used on a daily basis like toasters and smoothie makers.

Effectively storing everything else is essential to keep the clutter at bay. Don’t try to save space by packing things into more things or stacking all the plates and bowls on top of one another. If you’re not going to use everything at dinner time, try to pack the most used items in an easily accessible spot at eye level. This way you avoid excessive bending as things will be easier to find. If you’re stocking up on wine glasses but don’t have the cupboard space, try a wire stemware rack that hangs below overhead cabinets.

Food and Preparation

As far as food is concerned, you must be vigilant and throw away anything that has expired. Not even herbs and spices last forever. The rule of thumb is that if you can’t smell it, you won’t be able to taste it. Declutter your fridge and freezer by removing any half empty containers or bags. Consolidate and repack into plastic containers saving space and seeing what you have at your disposal. If you no longer need it, get rid of it.

One way to save loads of time and space is to prepare vegetables beforehand. Peel, dice, slice or cut and pack everything into airtight containers. This enables you to spend more quality time with family and friends instead of preparing everything while trying to socialise.

If you have guests staying for a few days, put tea, coffee and sugar on a tray next to the kettle along with cups, saucers and spoons. That way, you won’t feel you have to keep offering and guests are welcome to help themselves. Just remember to label everything clearly as you don’t want anyone adding salt to their coffee.

Christmas Storage Advice For Home And Guestroom Preparation

Before getting the guest room ready, you should clear the hallway first. Bags under the stairs, toys strewn all over the floor and easily breakable items should all be moved. Safety first as we always say as we don’t want grandma tripping over something, or the little ones hurting themselves playing with something they shouldn’t.

Walk around the house and look at it from a young child or an elderly person’s perspective. Check for any tripping hazards like trailing wires or cables. Don’t forget to safely pack away any valuable crockery or other breakables either onto higher shelves or a lockable cabinet.

Preparing the guest room can be challenging especially if it’s been used to store all your junk. Things like old furniture, bags, clothes, boxes and toys need a new home to make space for your guests. You have two options here –

  1. Sort through everything systematically and decide to either keep, sell or donate
  2. Pack everything into boxes and find a good place to store it for a short period of time

This also extends to other parts of the house as extra furniture could clutter the dining or entertainment area. A really simple and affordable solution is renting a self storage unit. Unlike Space Centre Self Storage, not all facilities offer short term storage options or drive up access so be sure to ask all the right questions.

Guestroom Preparation Tips

Whether guests are staying overnight or for a week, decluttering is essential. No-one wants to feel like they’re sleeping in your office or the junk storage room. Here are a few simple and quick-to-do things to make your guests feel right at home.

  • Make space for the suitcase – instead of using the floor or desk, invest in a folding suitcase rack similar to those at hotels or a multi-purpose bench.
  • Clear sufficient hanging space – guests will feel more at home with their own hanging space especially for coats and those special Christmas outfits.
  • Ensure the room has a clock, toiletry basket with the essentials and fresh towels on display
  • If you have a sofa bed, make sure it still works and is comfortable enough.
  • Add a small bedside lamp if you only have a ceiling light. This enables easy bedtime reading for your guests and they can navigate their way to an unfamiliar bathroom.
  • Provide them with an extra blanket or a warm throw so they don’t have to search for one or ask you in the middle of the night.

There’s a little over 2 weeks to go until Christmas and if you have visitors heading your way, make sure you are prepared. Our tips will really help but don’t forget the most important part – spending time with family and friends.

If you are in our area and need additional short term Christmas storage, please get in touch. Our facilities are clean, dry, secure and our friendly, experienced staff would be happy to assist you in any way they can.

Not sure how much space you will need?

If you would like to talk to a member of staff about your requirements contact your local branch.

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