Using Self Storage to Help Sell Your Home

Self Storage | 09.08.19

More people put their house on the market during summer and opt for “staging” to speed up the process. The only way to do that is showing it off at its best and that means removing all the clutter and putting any extra furniture into self storage. You could keep things with a friend or in the garage but there is a risk of damage or theft.

When the time is right, prepare your home for “staging” as showing it to potential buyers in a good state is essential. Not only will it ensure your house gets sold faster but you could also potentially add to the property value. Here is a helpful guide on home staging, self storage and a few home improvements for best results.

How To Prepare Your House When Selling

It goes without saying that you need a good real estate agent as their input is invaluable. First and foremost, they can provide you with up-to-date information about similar homes sold in your area. Furthermore, estate agents can help you identify the right buyers, the best time to sell and a realistic selling price.

When it comes to selling your home, first impressions really do matter and can make all the difference. There are many top tips for home staging but few are as important as decluttering, cleaning and doing a few small home improvements. Using self storage properly can also help you get through the process swiftly and effortlessly.

Declutter And Organise Each Room

Selling your house is also the ideal time to remove all the clutter and organise everything. Start off by making sure that all the rooms are clutter-free with as much light and fresh air as possible. Throw away unwanted items, hide products in the bathroom and kitchen to create an open and uncluttered space.

Remember, potential buyers need to imagine themselves living in the house so ensure that each room clearly highlights its purpose. If your dining room is filled with paperwork, toys or exercise equipment, get rid of everything that doesn’t belong and return it to its original state and purpose. At the same time, remove posters from the kids’ bedrooms allowing buyers to see where they would put their own things.

Clean Everything

It may seem obvious but you need to make sure your house is spotless, inside and out. This involves cleaning floors, carpets, couches, windows and all surfaces around the house. Take extra care cleaning the kitchen and bathroom as mould, mildew and grime can quickly take over. Make sure you dust, polish and remove dirt from the tile grout as it often looks distasteful.

Touch Up The Exterior And Garden

Gardens and any type of outdoor space are often powerful selling points but it does you no favours if it is poorly maintained and overgrown. This not only makes the space look smaller and neglected but if the buyer doesn’t have the budget to sort out the garden, they could be put off completely.

Spruce up the outside of your property and that includes the garden, flower beds and driveway as well. Wash the windows, repair damaged fences, mow the lawn, trim the hedges and clear any pathways of debris. If there are dead plants or empty pots, just throw them out or put new ones in. Remember to pack away garden tools, hoses and other equipment.

DIY Home Improvements

Make extra time to fix the small but obvious things like a hole in the wall, blown bulbs, broken light fixtures or door handles. If possible, replace old and dated light switches and fix cracked tiles and loose grouting. All these small improvements can make a massive difference as it just looks newer, cleaner and better.

Unless your house is an absolute mess, don’t start a big renovation project and rather focus on a few small adjustments. The idea is to sell your lifestyle to potential buyers as much as you do the actual property. You want them to feel that they don’t need to spend a fortune getting the house ready. Here are a few things you can do without breaking the bank:

  • Sand and varnish wooden finishes
  • Fresh coat of paint on the walls (interior and exterior). Keep colours neutral as you don’t want potential buyers to immediately consider the additional costs of repainting
  • Get rid of unpleasant smells – Clear and clean drains, bins and rubbish areas
  • If you have pets, make sure their mess is also cleaned up
  • Get rid of stale smoke smell by leaving bowls of vinegar in the house for 3 days. Once the windows are opened, the smoke and vinegar odour will dissipate

Home Staging On A Budget

You don’t need expensive décor to make your home attractive to potential buyers. For the most part, it probably won’t be to their taste anyway and they will replace or change things as soon as they move in. However, you should still make the effort to clean, declutter and freshen up every room to ensure a successful viewing.

  • A mirror hung in the hall can give the illusion of space
  • Several vases of flowers or additional plants can freshen up the house
  • Put up hanging baskets for added colour and style
  • If you have a garden, plant some flowers
  • Use beautiful table cloths to cover older, more worn tables
  • Kitchens are a big selling point so clear and clean all the worktops and pack away unused appliances
  • Make sure every part of the house smells fresh and clean
  • Rearrange the furniture to create a practical, attractive and inviting environment for potential buyers

Self Storage And Selling Your Home

A big mistake many people make is stuffing everything into cupboards, on top of wardrobes or in the spare room. This is not recommended for several reasons but most importantly at this juncture is that you want to create a feeling of space.

If you are doing renovations or home improvements, there could be some items you don’t need inside your home. You may need to remove some furniture in the short term as you might like having small tables in every corner for convenience but to potential buyers it can look like clutter.

Self storage can help keep your home clean and organised before, during and after it has been sold. A short-term or long-term self storage unit is the best solution if you need a clean, dry and secure place for your belongings. Whether you’re storing furniture, clothes, toys, documents or equipment, self storage should be your first option.

Final Thoughts

While some may feel that self storage is an additional cost you don’t need, it is not as expensive as you think. Besides, if it results in a sale, then it would have been well worth it in the end. There are many factors to consider when selling your home but don’t let self storage be one of them.

Many home owners have chosen Space Centre Self Storage for all their short and long-term storage concerns. On several occasions we’ve even provided them with additional space when their properties pile up with all their belongings.

Our prices are guaranteed to remain the same for at least 12 months if not longer once you move in. When you are ready to rent a self storage unit, get in touch with our facilities in Bristol, Gloucester, Stroud and soon, Stonehouse.

Not sure how much space you will need?

If you would like to talk to a member of staff about your requirements contact your local branch.

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