Moving house in winter is often far more challenging as there’s so much to contend with. From limited daylight, snow, ice and unpredictable weather conditions, a winter move certainly requires a fair bit of planning. However, it doesn’t have to be chaos as there are several handy tips to help manage your winter move properly.
Moving House Tips And Winter Preparation
UK winters are almost always cold and wet so it’s best to plan for the worst but it involves more than just the weather. You also need to consider decluttering your home, packing boxes, booking a removal company, protecting your belongings at all times and looking after your carpets, flooring and heating. Here’s a moving house checklist you should keep close at hand.
Start Planning Early
Summer and Christmas are the two busiest times of the year for removals companies as both coincide with school holidays. This extra demand means removal companies are often over-booked early on so we recommend that you give them as much notice as possible. You should also start planning your decluttering and packing routine as early as you can to avoid disappointment.
In winter, the sun goes down as early as 4.30 pm so you should start the day as early as possible. There’s nothing worse than trying to pack and carry boxes in the dark. Either way, it’s important to prepare for anything so make sure the lights are working including outside fixtures to light pathways or the driveway. For those days that things don’t go according to plan, keep spare bulbs and torches handy.
Call A Removals Company
Unless you have a large van, an army of helpers and loads of time on your hands, it’s always easier to use a professional moving company, especially when moving house in winter. Only work with reputable moving companies in the UK which you will be able to find with the help of which.co.uk as they will have the necessary experience to handle nearly anything that comes their way.
Recommended: ‘House Move Insurance – Goods In Transit Direct’
Prepare For All Types Of Weather
Even if you plan far ahead and use the most experienced removal company with the best winter fleet, sometimes the weather will still beat everyone. If the weather delays your move, don’t panic and simply work with your removal company to make sure everything happens as smoothly as possible. Here are some tips on how to prepare for all weather conditions:
- Keep the contact of your moving company, estate agent and solicitor handy so you can easily communicate any change to your plans due to the weather
- Grit your pathways, steps and driveway to reduce the amount of ice
- Make sure you have warm clothes, gloves and waterproof jackets at the ready
- Keep old newspapers and lay it out to prevent indoor slips and muddy feet marks
- Just in case, keep a snow shovel, ice scraper and de-icer handy
Decluttering When Moving House
Moving house provides you with the perfect opportunity to organise your belongings and get rid of things you never going to use. Remember, the fewer things you keep means more space at the new house and less time spent packing boxes. Declutter and pack up your house one room at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed.
It’s easy to lose track of things when planning a move, so go through everything systematically. Make sure you throw out things you are not going to keep. This means being firm when deciding which pile to put items in; sell, donate, recycle or bin.
Packing Boxes And Protecting Furniture
If you are getting boxes yourself make sure they are specially designed for removals. Contrary to popular belief, supermarket packing boxes or those from old appliances are not very durable. They are more likely to break apart if they get damp or wet which is always possible when moving house in winter.
When it’s raining or snowing, remember to cover anything that could get damaged with plastic sheets, blankets or protective coverings. And don’t be afraid to use extra tape as it may come unstuck when things get wet. A tape gun could be a good investment as it will make sealing boxes easier, faster and more fun.
Label Everything
Don’t forget to label all of your boxes before the move using a permanent marker or sticky labels. Add the contents and the room it’s going to on the label to speed up the unpacking process on the other end. Clearly mark anything that’s breakable to avoid mishandling and possible damages.
What Should I Pack Into An Essentials Box?
Pack your essentials box with the weather in mind, especially when moving in winter. Remember to keep your essentials box out of the way and far from any other packing boxes. This way the movers won’t take your valuables when packing the van. Here are some of the most important items to include in a winter move essentials box:
- kettle and mugs
- coffee, tea and soup
- some extra snacks to keep up your energy levels
- phone chargers
- change of clothes
- towels and toiletries
- first aid kit
- portable tool kit
- flashlight, candles and matches
- important documents like passports, birth certificates, medical and financial records, lease agreements
- toys, board games or DVDs if you are moving with kids and can’t find a babysitter
Moving In Winter With Space Centre Self Storage
Whether you are downsizing or your new house doesn’t have enough space, a short term or long term storage unit can help. Many people rely on self storage to keep their belongings clean, dry and safe until they need it again. It is the easiest and safest way to store washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers and furniture.
At Space Centre, we offer FREE storage insurance up to £3000 without any upfront deposit and you can use our provider or your own. Contact us if you need a storage unit at any of our conveniently located facilities in Bristol, Stroud, Gloucester and Stonehouse.