Are your monthly self storage costs worrying you?

Long Term Storage | 17.09.16

Many people use self storage for a number of reason and increasingly people are using self storage for longer periods of time. Carefully considering the ongoing cost right from the very start is essential if you are to manage the ongoing costs. However, we recognise that sometimes circumstances change and a review of your financial situation may be needed. A project may be going on longer than expected resulting in increased costs; business may be suffering a slow down or your personal circumstance has changed. If your self storage costs are beginning to cause a strain on your finances you may think about removing your items from storage to get rid of the ongoing cost. Perhaps a friend can help you out by storing your things at their house? But if you’ve got nowhere alternative to put your items don‘t just cross your fingers and hope things will improve. Things may well get better further down the line, but if they don’t the problem will only get worse and your goods are at risk.

First and foremost: Talk to your provider

Don’t be afraid to tell your provider your predicament. The last thing they want is for your account to fall into arrears or for you to lose your belongings. But they are a business and they can’t afford hang onto your items indefinitely or lose the ability to lease the unit.
Be honest about your situation and how long you think it will last. Your storage provider can help you work out the best way to deal with the problem. There are a few things that can be done that could allow you to keep a self storage unit but also reduce your ongoing costs:

  • Review the way you’re organising your self storage unit
    You may not be making the best use of the space you’re paying for. Can you re-organise the contents of your unit in such a way that would result in you being able to reduce the size of unit you are using? Your self storage provider should be able to help you work this one out, with advice on stacking and use of racking etc.
  • Review what you’re storing
    Do you actually need to keep everything in the unit? Can you move some items out to your home or even get rid of them altogether? By moving a few things out you may be able to move to that smaller unit.

If you’ve done those 2 things and still can’t move to a smaller unit, you may be able to come to some arrangement with your storage provider – but you need to be honest with them about your situation.

Here at Space Centre Self Storage we recognise that sometimes things happen and circumstances change and that’s why we’re flexible about moving from one unit size to another. Our experienced staff help you organise your unit to get the best from the space.

There are some things you can do right at the very start of your plans that will help prevent problems with your self storage costs further down the line.

  • Carefully consider the costs. What’s included and what’s not? Could there be penalties further down the line?
  • Think about what will happen if you need to use your self storage unit for longer than planned. If your project overruns or business takes a down turn how long will it be before the costs become a burden?
  • Consider the way you’re going to store your items or stock. Ask the centre you’re thinking of using for their advice. They will help you get the right space based on the best way to pack or store items.
  • Clear out before you store – especially if moving from one property to another. It’s so easy to just move everything out of the existing property and straight into storage, but you could be paying for space you don’t really need. Be brutal with a pre-move clear out and get rid of anything you’re not likely to use or need.

Image Copyright: ptnphoto / 123RF Stock Photo

Not sure how much space you will need?

If you would like to talk to a member of staff about your requirements contact your local branch.

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